

Czech language

We specialise in teaching Czech since 1997 and we belong to the top language schools in this field in the Czech Republic. We have developed an original methodical approach to teaching Czech and published our own teaching material – the textbook Easy Czech Elementary. You can buy this book in bookstores in the center of Prague and Brno. You can also get it right here on this website in the Publishing section at a big discount. While for most language schools teaching Czech is just a marginal activity, we are specialists in this field.


English and German

Besides Czech, our core languages are English and German. We have a team of well-qualified instructors of these languages, both Czech nationals and native speakers, and we provide courses of any level or specialisation. By not offering courses of tens of various languages we are able to maintain control of quality of the teachers and the teaching methodology. We believe that a high quality can be achieved only by specialisation.


Other languages

Our services are certainly not limited to Czech, English and German. We can provide courses of other languages according to the needs of our clients through cooperating instructors. This way we teach French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and other languages.

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